Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Killing of Osama Bin Laden

What will be the next Osama Bin Laden? Who will be preside the position of Bin Laden? Those Al-queda stop their terror activities since Osama Bin Laden, was killed?

There are many raises questions regarding the death of bin laden. This will be a victory from the United States of America, but what is the consequences of this killing? Do we assure for more terrorist attacks in the future because of the retaliation of his followers. Do we expect that this world is now free from terrorist attack because bin laden, is now gone in the history of terrorism?

Terrorist did not choose who they are attacking. They don't mind about people and what kind of people they killed. What important with them was to killed and spread terror in all the corner of the world.

Good for the United State, because they have high tech equipment to trace those terrorist. But what about the Philippines, the other countries that attacks by terrorist too?

1 comment:

  1. Many are rejoicing about the death of Bin Laden, but this will only be temporary. Terrorism is not caused by just this one person that when he is gone, terrorism is ended. Now that he is gone, others will take his place.

    It is true that terrorists do not choose who they attack, and their purpose is to spread terror anywhere in the world. And while one way to counter this is to find these terrorists and stop them (whether this results in their death or otherwise...), steps must be taken at the same time to address the root of the problem. We must try to understand why or what they are claiming to fight for and find a resolution for that. Or else this war will just go on forever.


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