This Apache helicopter which the Armed Forces of the Philippines, needed to combat the rising conflict in some parts of Mindanao and fight the rebels CPP/NPA.
I think it is now the time for the Philippine Military, to modernized it's military equipment and facility to protect the countries rising tension with other country who are claiming some portion of the territory.
If the government did not monitor the military expenditure. The Armed Forces of the Philippines, is always the worse military in the entire Asian region. The government must see to it...that all equipment being buy is new and not surplus. Like those jet buy by Ramos administration before which all those plane are risking the lives of the pilot. Because all of these planes are crashed...
Lack of funds is always a reason they give why they are unable to acquire necessary equipments. This in spite of the fact that the department of defense receives a high percentage of the budget every year (correct me if I am wrong please). But in light of the recent exposes regarding 'pabaons' received by high officials in the military, I wonder if there really is a lack of funds or if this is another case of funds not reaching the intended recipients...
ReplyDeleteI think it is lack of "pabaon". Because if they have sufficient amount of "pabaon" they can buy condo's and many mistress..hehe.
ReplyDeleteOh but they are able to buy houses even in other countries, and maintain bank accounts there, etc. And they are able to travel often. Now if only those houses can grow a tail and rotors, do you think that will help? =P